Stars on the Water
I don't generally like to give out locations, but I'm in "Asia's World City"--Hong Kong --for a couple days. Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of the Change-over, when Britain gave Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China. Now it's an SAR, Special Administrative Region, and it has more freedoms than the rest of China. Despite this, it's crowded and rather hot. The humidity saps you. Thank God for air conditioning! It's everywhere.
I was simply going to write that I saw the fireworks over the harbor last night--I was on the Peak. We took the tram up with a friend and wiggled our way through crowds to find the best viewing spot. I stood in an outdoor pavilion, so to speak, with a circular doorway. I stood on one side of the doorway until the crowds thinned a bit. My feet hurt from bending them.
The fireworks were awesome. They were all colors, beautifully coordinated. Red and yellow, colors of luck and fortune, predominated. As the yellow ones shimmered, I remembered the Chinese flag, red with five glittering stars. Yellow stars for China, and all colors of fireworks blossoming for the flower of Hong Kong. It was beautiful.
I can see why there were crowds. Some sights, though, carry such feelings for only one person that they would be better watched from a lonely hillside...