Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Paddy's Lamentation

Lyrics to one of the saddest songs I've ever heard.

"There is nothing here but war
Where the murderin' cannons roar
And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin."

This Civil War era song is just tragic. It's the story of an Irishman who heads off to "Americay" because he wants to start a better life, but (somehow) he ends up with a rifle in his hand. "Paddy, you've come to fight for Lincoln." So off goes the hapless fellow to fight the South, and he ends up with a wooden leg warning fellows: "To Americay I'll not have you goin'!"

This, by the way, fits the definition of tragic songs with haunting tunes and lyrics that I absolutely love. You can sing them when you're happy and bring a little happiness to it, you can sing them when you're sad and feel like you're either not alone or else you've got it so good compared to these folks, and sometimes they take on new shades of meaning. So, I'm putting "Paddy's Lamentation" up there with "Kilkelly" "West Virginia Mine Disaster" "There Were Roses", etc.

Funny, I just looked back and realized that all three of those are original songs (i.e. by someone, not traditional). "Paddy's Lamentation" is traditional, so it's a start. Anyway, I suppose this shows my regard for Peter Jones, Jean Ritchie, and Tommy Sands...